Music Midterm

At the beginning of the school year in our EDCI 306A music class, we were told one of our assignments is to learn a new instrument. Now to be completely honest, between school, work, and life it has been hard to learn something completely new. There were definitely times when I wanted to put the ukulele in the closet and close the door, but now looking back I am so proud of myself and how far I have come.

The things I felt challenged by was how to hold the ukulele properly, how to change chords, how to strum, and how to sing and put it all together. I still feel like I have a lot to learn, but I am excited to continue to practice and to learn more.

Both songs I learned are in the Key of C which means they begin and end on the C chord.  I should also note I have attempted to slightly sing, so be prepared!

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

This is the first song I learned. The chords in the song are C and G7, and I will be using the strumming pattern of down, down, down, up.

Please Enjoy!

Kiss The Girl – The Little Mermaid

This is the second song I learned, and it uses the chords C, G, F. This song I found more challenging because the chord transitions are frequent and quicker, so with that, I have just used the down strum pattern. This song I am really proud of myself that I was able to learn and play.

Please Enjoy!